Weight Loss Cleanse

Written by erli ana on Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Healthy Weight Loss Cleanse

A healthy weight loss cleanse is possible to help your body rid excess weight for a number of reasons. Here we will explore why a colon cleanse can lead to weight loss.

Excess weight can be in many forms and caused for a number of reasons from slow metabolism to sluggish thyroid. Doing a colon cleanse will help your body to address these issues which in turn will help you not only to lose weight but can help you gain long-term healthy eating habits.

Our bodies are built to survive. One of our survival mechanisms happens in our small intestine where most of our bodies' digestion takes place. Our small intestine has what is called an intestinal mucosa, which is basically a mucus lining or membrane whose purpose is digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

When we consume toxins such as drugs, chemical pesticides, harmful bacteria or viruses, or when we create toxins while under stress, our bodies' defense is to excrete extra, or excess mucus to stop the absorption of the toxins into the bloodstream. If this happens a couple times a month, our body will simply digest this excess and eliminate it.

Unfortunately, many of us consume pesticides, food additives, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and so on, not a couple times a month, but often three or more times a day! This keeps the body on defense, excreting excess mucus and leaving no time for digesting and eliminating the excess.

This leads to a buildup of the mucosal lining, which eventually turns to a mucosal plaque. Many experts in the health field say the average person has approximately 10 pounds of this buildup, which may inhibit metabolism.

Metabolism is how well you assimilate nutrients and how well you eliminate wastes. This buildup in the small intestine started because your body was defending you by stopping or slowing the absorption of consumed toxins. But because of the nature of the buildup, your body will also not be able to assimilate all the nutrients.

The build-up will also cause your intestinal walls to not be as flexible, causing sluggishness. Your tube (small intestine) is pliable and flexible so that peristalsis can take place. Peristalsis is the wave-like motion of the digestive tract that helps waste move along and out.

The buildup is not pliable or flexible. Much like the calcium plaque in the arteries, the mucosal plaque can render your small intestine to not be flexible enough for strong peristalsis. This sluggishness will cause you to hold on to more and eliminate less as time goes on. Could this be why we say our metabolism slows, as we get older?

A colon cleanse incorporates a diet free of chemicals, pesticides and processed foods. It is replaced with mostly fresh vegetables and fruits and juices, plenty of fresh water, some whole grains and eliminates or cuts the amount of meat, dairy, sugars and caffeine. This change to healthy eating habits will help your body to stop creating excess mucus and start digesting and eliminating the buildup. Your colon cleanse naturally starts to become a healthy weight loss cleanse.

In addition we take supplements and fiber to assist our colon cleanse. These will have herbs that help strengthen our bodies' capacity to kill or neutralize and eliminate toxins. This includes toxins that buildup on various organs such as the thyroid and liver. Inhibiting the function of either of these organs will cause weight gain or at least difficulty in losing excess weight.

But a healthy weight loss cleanse takes time. If it took 10 years to form, it may take a few months and more than one cleanse to help eliminate it.

Many people find their cravings for junk foods become less after a colon cleanse. Others find that after they have eliminated buildup, and saw it to be true, they don't want to go back to their old habits.

A cleanse for healthy weight loss should last at least four weeks. Healthy eating should be continued afterward, but more strict during your cleanse. However, the supplements should not be taken for more than 6-8 weeks at a time. At this point you stop them for at least a month and resume after that time if you feel you need more cleansing.

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Green Tea Weight Loss

Written by erli ana on Saturday, May 1, 2010

How Green Tea Weight Loss work ?

Green tea weight loss has been the talk everywhere. The brew's beneficial health effects have been enticing more people to start including green tea in their daily diet. several reasons why green tea has been hailed as a natural way to lose weight can be found below.

Green tea weight loss can help cut down calories.

Compared to coffee, green tea is a more suitable drink for people who want their caffeine fix but don't want the extra calories. Drinking coffee with calorie-loaded cream and sugar wreaks havoc on your waistline. Due to this, green tea weight loss programs advise against taking coffee to help cut back on calorie intake and eventually lose weight.

green tea can slows down fat absorption and regulates glucose.

Green tea has been found to be valuable in regulating the body's glucose by slowing the rise in blood sugar, most especially after a meal. By acting as a glucose regulator, green tea prevents high insulin spikes, which leads to fat storage. Green tea also helps by slowing down the action of amylase, a certain digestive enzyme. The course involving the slowing down of amylase is essential in green tea weight loss as this helps stem the breakdown of starches or carbohydrates, which are the main causes why blood sugar levels rise after a meal. The catechins in green tea also help to suppress the passage of glucose into fat cells. The effectiveness of green tea weight loss programs are then made possible through glucose regulation and the repression of fat absorption.

Green tea can speeds up metabolism.

A study has found that green tea extract helped increase energy expenditure, or enhancement in the body's metabolism process. The researchers concluded that green tea can increase metabolism of a person as much as 4 percent. The effects were considered to be a result of the activity of major green tea components is catechin polyphenols. This substance serves to help increase fat oxidation and thermogenesis, which refers to the rate at which the body burns calories. The increase of a person's metabolic rate then causes a greater number of calories to be burned and body fat to be lowered, rendering green tea weight loss programs effective.

Green tea may help decrease the desire for food.

Animal studies done by scientists revealed that green tea can help lose up to 21 percent of body weight in rats. In the experiment, rats were injected daily with a green tea extract for seven days. The results showed that the rats lost their food cravings, which was evident in their food consumption that experienced a decrease of up to 60 percent. Researchers suggested that the reaction may have been caused by the way green tea regulates blood sugar.With all these green tea weight loss benefits, people may wonder just how much green tea they have to take. Though answers vary, it's generally considered that 3 to 5 cups of green tea day is most favorable. This amount can help burn an additional 70 calories a day.

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